Auscultatory Training System and Telemedicine Tool with Accurate Reproduction of Physiological Sounds

This CDC developed auscultatory training apparatus includes a database of prerecorded physiological sounds (e.g., lung, bowel, or heart sounds) stored on a computer for playback. Current teaching tools, which utilize previously recorded sounds, suffer from the disadvantage that playback environments cause considerable distortion and errors in sound reproduction. For example, to those trainees using such systems, the reproduced respiratory sounds do not “sound” as if they are being generated by a live patient.

Computer Controlled Aerosol Generator with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Inhalation Testing Capabilities

This invention pertains to a CDC developed sonic aerosol generator that provides a controllable, stable concentration of particulate aerosol over a long period of time for aerosol exposure studies. Specifically, in situ testing data indicate uniform aerosol stability can be maintainable for greater than 30 hours at concentrations of 15 mg/m3 or more. Additionally, the technology was specifically developed for, and validated in, animal studies assessing exposure to airborne multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT).

Deconvolution Software for Modern Fluorescence Microscopy

This software invention pertains to Joint Richardson-Lucy (RL) deconvolution methods used to combine multiple images of an object into a single image for improving resolution in modern fluorescence microscopy. RL deconvolution merges images with very different point spread functions, such as in multi-view light-sheet microscopes, while preserving the best resolution information present in each image.

Local Positioning System for Position-Time-Condition Correlation, Data-logging and Analysis

This CDC-developed technology describes an automated system for monitoring worker hazard exposures by recording data about where and when hazards occur in a workplace or other environment. This allows the hazards to be avoided and harmful exposures and risks reduced. This field-tested technology consists of an integrated, hand-held electronics instrument and software system that will precisely correlate multiple exposure levels with position coordinates of the user and features real-time data acquisition.

Improved Acoustic Plethysmograph System for Noninvasive Measurement of Pulmonary Function

CDC researchers have developed a novel acoustic whole body plethysmograph (AWBP) that allows measurement of tidal volume in lab animals, independent of gas compression in the lung. This system provides particular advantages over the traditional whole body plethysmograph (WBP) when measuring model animals with increased gas compression due to increased airway resistance or increased acceleration in the breathing pattern.

Hearing Safety Devices: System for Monitoring Exposure to Impulse Noise

This CDC-developed technology entails a system for monitoring and assessing the risk of auditory damage from exposure to impulse noise, such as noise created by construction machinery and firearms. Noise dosimeters have been used extensively over the past two decades to document personal exposure to noise and assure workplaces comply with permissible noise exposure levels. However, due to older methods of calculating "noise dose," current noise dosimeters often inaccurately determine the risk of an impulse event.

Occupational Safety: Portable Exposure Assessment System for Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injury

CDC researchers have developed the Portable Exposure Assessment System (PEAS), a field-based, remotely deployed tool to monitor and provide early warning of working conditions that have a high likelihood of musculoskeletal injury. PEAS is a noninvasive, real-time, instrument-based system. Sensor technology simultaneously measures and collects data regarding the body loads and awkward postures imposed by package handling as well as driving-related, low-frequency vibrations.

Non-invasive Pan-Cancer Detection Method

One of four deaths in the United States is due to cancer despite an emphasis on prevention, early detection, and treatment that has lowered cancer death rates by 20% in the past two decades. Further improvements in survival rates are likely to come from improving the limits of detection sensitivity at earlier stages of cancer. New approaches that rely heavily on genomic information, however, may change future testing strategies.

Personalized Cancer Evaluation (PERCEVAL) Method and Software

Cancer represents the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2 million cancer related deaths in 2012. This number is predicted to rise by approximately 70% over the next two decades according to the World Health Organization. Prognosis depends heavily on both early detection and frequent monitoring of the patient's response to treatment. Cancerous tumors shed nucleic acids into blood, which can be detected by ultra-deep sequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).

Software for Fully Automating Myocardial Perfusion Quantification

Software is has been developed and available for licensing that fully automates image processing for the quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) pixel maps from firstpass contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) perfusion images. The system removes the need for laborious manual quantitative CMR perfusion pixel map processing and can process prospective and retrospective studies acquired from various imaging protocols. In full automation, arterial input function (AIF) images are processed for motion correction and myocardial perfusion images are corrected for intensity bias.