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The National Cancer Institute (NCI), through the NCI Technology Transfer Center (TTC), now offers a term-limited, exclusive Start-Up Evaluation Option License to start-up companies developing early-stage vaccine, therapeutic, device, and certain diagnostic technologies. The previous Start-up Program
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Proposal(s) are sought in response to RFP # NIH-OD-OLAO-OA-(PLS)-2019 for Patent-Legal Services. This solicitation is full and open to ALL capable business concerns in the U.S. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 541110 - Office of Lawyers. In
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The NIH’s tech transfer community is pursuing new law firm contracts for managing patent prosecution matters as the current contracts end Spring of 2019. As part of the development for the new Request For Proposals (RFP), the community is providing the public with the chance to comment or ask