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The National Institutes of Health has several grants to fight tick-borne diseases caused by flaviviruses and bacteria such as Borrelia miyamotoi. Recently, the Laboratory of Medical Zoology’s (LMZ) TickReport service at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, L2 Diagnostics of New Haven, a biotech
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The NIH’s tech transfer community is pursuing new law firm contracts for managing patent prosecution matters. The current contracts end Spring of 2019. As part of the development for the new Statement of Work (SOW), the community is seeking input from outside entities on what information would be
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The National Institutes of Health has launched a five-year, $215 million public-private partnership (PPP) with biopharma industry to accelerate development of immunotherapies targeted at cancer treatment. This initiative, called The Partnership for Accelerating Cancer Therapies (PACT) will be