Technology ID

An Innovative Adapter for Expedited and Automated Thawing of viably Frozen Cells

Lead Inventor
Roederer, Mario (NIAID)
Chattopadhyay, Pratip (NIAID)
Beddall, Margaret (NIAID)
Research Materials
Non-Medical Devices
Medical Devices
Consumer Products
Development Stages
Lead IC

This technology is a device and system for expediting the thawing frozen specimens (e.g., cryopreserved cells) contained in cryo-vials, offering a breakthrough solution for researchers seeking efficiency and precision in their workflows. The device is equipped with a small elongated tubular adaptor that suspends a cryo-vial of frozen cells over a centrifuge tube containing culture medium in an inverted position. With a focus on speed, efficiency and automation, the adaptor dramatically expedites the process of recovering viable cells from frozen specimens. It reduces per-sample labor time for thawing from several minutes to a few seconds, enabling a single technician to simultaneously thaw multiple vials within the capacity of centrifuges. The cells, once thawed, are diluted instantly into growth medium contained in the centrifuge tubes and spend essentially no time in liquid cryopreservative.

The automated mechanism ensures a precise and controlled thawing environment maintaining optimal temperature conditions throughout the thawing process.

Commercial Applications
  • This device can be used in sample preparation and cell culturing
  • Applicable for research materials, medical and non-medical devices and consumer products
Competitive Advantages
  • Provides a faster process of recovering viable cells from frozen specimens
  • Eliminates multi-step processes
  • High throughput system with reduced variability
  • Constant environment control
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