David, Alexandre (INSERM)
Yewdell, Jonathan (Jon) (NIAID)
Research Products
Research Equipment
Computational models/software
The Ribopuromycylation (RPM) technology, developed by Dr. Jon Yewdell and Dr. Alexandre David, offers a powerful and universal method for visualizing and studying protein translation within cells. RPM involves the use of puromycin, a molecule that mimics a tyrosyl-tRNA and terminates translation by becoming covalently incorporated into the nascent protein chain's C-terminus within the ribosome's A site. This technique enables the immobilization of puromycylated nascent protein chains on ribosomes when chain elongation inhibitors like cycloheximide or emetine are utilized. Anti-puromycin monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are then employed to localize actively translating ribosomes through immunofluorescence analysis of fixed and permeabilized cells or tissues. RPM has revolutionized the study of protein translation, providing researchers with a straightforward and versatile tool to investigate this fundamental cellular process in various biological contexts.
Commercial Applications
With various pathological conditions and advancing our understanding of cellular processes. Ribopuromycylation (RPM) finds diverse applications in cellular and molecular biology. It enables the exploration of dynamic protein translation regulation in response to environmental stressors, infections, and differentiation states, offering valuable insights into cellular adaptations. RPM also facilitates the specific investigation of individual gene expression patterns, aiding in the comprehension of gene-specific translation dynamics. Its versatility extends to drug discovery and disease research, making it a valuable tool for uncovering translation abnormalities associated
Competitive Advantages
Ribopuromycylation (RPM) offers a competitive edge in cellular biology due to its universality, specificity, and compatibility with fluorescence detection. This versatile method simplifies the study of protein translation, making it accessible to a broader range of researchers, and provides accurate insights into active translation processes within cells.