Technology ID
A Versatile Approach to Developing in situ Therapeutic Vaccines for Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy
Lead Inventor
Chen, Xiaoyuan (Shawn) (NIBIB)
Li, Ling (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID/NIH))
Yang, Zhen (NIBIB)
Fan, Wenpei (NIBIB)
Research Materials
Therapeutic Areas
Infectious Disease
Development Stages
Pre-Clinical (in vitro)
Lead IC
This technology includes a straightforward and versatile nanotechnology-based approach for in situ therapeutic vaccination that exploits a primary tumor as a vaccine depot to initiate robust personalized anti-tumor immune responses. In the method, diselenide-bridged hollow mesoporous organosilica nanocapsules (HMSeN) are prepared for immobilization of Annexin A5, which can block phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure on dying tumor cells and thereby converts immunosuppressive apoptosis into immunostimulatory secondary necrosis, which simultaneously renders the primary tumor immunogenic and inflames the tumor microenvironment.
Commercial Applications
Personalized tumor vaccines as an anti-cancer therapy.
Competitive Advantages
- Given that most of the current cancer treatments can induce apoptosis, nearly all cancer therapeutic modalities can initiate the process of apoptosis to develop ISTV for personalized cancer immunotherapy, which makes this approach a versatile one to elicit robust systemic immune responses by exploiting the treatment-induced apoptosis.
- In this approach, the primary tumor itself was developed as an in situ therapeutic vaccine depot to account for tumor heterogeneity, containing all tumor antigen epitopes and DAMPs needed to initiate robust anti-tumor immune responses.
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