Technology ID

Hybridomas Producing Antibodies to Neuraminidase for Influenza A (H3N2) Diagnostics, Vaccine, and Therapeutic Development

Lead Inventor
Wilson, Jason (CDC)
York, Ian (CDC)
Gansebom, Shane (CDC)
Research Materials
Therapeutic Areas
Infectious Disease
Development Stages
Pre-Clinical (in vitro)
Development Status
Lead IC

Influenza A and B viruses can cause seasonal flu epidemics ― commonly known as the “flu season” ― and infect the nose, throat, eyes, and lungs in humans. Typically, flu seasons that are dominated by influenza A (H3N2) virus activity have higher associated hospitalizations and deaths in at-risk groups, such as people ages 65 and older and young children. Influenza A (H3N2) virus can also cause respiratory disease in animals, such as canines and swine.

CDC discovered a series of 17 hybridomas (murine B cell fused with an immortal myeloma that produces a specific monoclonal antibody (mAb)) that recognize neuraminidase (N2) from influenza A (H3N2) viruses. Researchers identified the hybridomas of murine origin with mAbs that recognize N2 from influenza A/Hong Kong/4801/2014. The technology has potential utility in diagnostic assays, surveillance, prophylaxis, therapeutic treatments, and research reagents. Additional testing is planned to better understand the technology’s activities and potential.

Commercial Applications
  • Development or refinement of diagnostic assays for influenza A (H3N2)
  • Controls or a reference reagent source for diagnostic assay validation
  • Quality control/quality assurance testing for influenza A (H3N2) vaccine or therapeutic development
  • Monitoring and public health surveillance
  • Research tools
Competitive Advantages
  • The newly identified mAbs may bind to regions on viral NA antigens in a manner that currently available antibodies do not
  • The technology may have altered affinities or a broader range of subtype and strain specificity than existing antibodies
Licensing Contact:
Mitzelfelt, Jeremiah