Technology ID

Biofabrication of Skin Tissues with Dermis and Epidermis in Multiwell Plate Format to be Utilized for Chemical and Biologic Testing as well as Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine

Lead Inventor
Ferrer-Alegre, Marc (NCATS)
Song, Min Jae (NEI)
Derr, Paige (NCATS)
Derr, Kristy (NCATS)
Liu, Xue (Lucia) (NCATS)
Michael, Samuel (NCATS)
Research Materials
Non-Medical Devices
Medical Devices
Lead IC
This technology includes methods for the biofabrication of full thickness skin tissues in 12, 24, 48 and 96-well plates, using commercially available hardware to enable the implementation of large-scale toxicity and efficacy testing of chemical and biologics. The invention includes several protocols, including but not limited to: 1) fully 3D bioprinted skin tissue with dermis composed of human fibroblast and a collagen/fibrin/gelatin-based hydrogel; a coating of laminin, and a stratified epidermis composed of human neonatal keratinocytes, all on top of a commercially available transwell insert membrane. 2) A 3D bioprinted skin tissue protocol with a dermis composed on human fibroblasts and a collagen/fibrin/gelatin-based hydrogel which is bioprinted on the bottom side of the transwell well insert membrane; and keratinocytes that are added on top of the insert membrane to develop a stratified epidermis.
Commercial Applications
The protocol enables skin tissues products to be produced in multiwell plate format for chemical and biologics testing; the use of biodegradable scaffolds to make the skin tissue enables their potential use as tissue sheets for transplantation and regenerative medicine.

Licensing Contact:
Vepa, Suryanarayana