Technology ID

Detection and Differentiation of Pathogenic Fungi in Clinical Samples Using a Multi-Analyte Profiling System

Lead Inventor
Morrison, Christine (CDC)
Das, Sanchita (CDC)
Brown, Teresa (CDC)
Holloway, Brian (CDC)
Research Materials
Occupational Safety and Health
Consumer Products
Therapeutic Areas
Infectious Disease
Development Stages
Pre-Clinical (in vitro)
Development Status
  • Early-stage
  • In vitro data available
Research Products
Research Equipment
Lead IC
This invention provides a rapid, sensitive and specific diagnostic tool for the detection of pathogenic fungi and subsequent species-specific discrimination. CDC scientists have developed nucleic acid probes to identify the six most medically important Candida species and endemic mycoses, and to differentiate them from other medically important fungi in a multi-analyte profiling system. Candida fungi are one of the leading causes of clinically-acquired bloodstream infections and, although improved antifungal compounds have been recently introduced, they have unique, species-specific treatment responses.

This multi-analyte approach has the potential to simultaneously identify up to 100 different fungi in one assay. Additionally, the assay is quite cost effective in terms of resource input, time invested and technician labor. Used in conjunction with contemporary antifungal medications, this assay provides a very rapid and specific diagnosis allowing for the selective administration of appropriate compounds and ultimately improved patient outcomes.
Commercial Applications
  • Directing antifungal drug therapy for improved patient outcomes
  • Detection, discrimination of Candida species from biological samples
  • High-throughput screening
  • Liquid or solid phase microarray development to detect medically important fungi
Competitive Advantages
  • Rapid, sensitive, simple and specific
  • Multi-analyte nature provides cost-efficiency
  • Easily adaptable to kit form
  • Permits the multiplexing of up to 100 different hybridization reactions in a single sample
Licensing Contact:
Mitzelfelt, Jeremiah