Technology ID

Diagnostic Assays Utilizing Real-Time Taqman or Seminested RT-PCR for Parechovirus Detection and Discrimination

Lead Inventor
Nix, William (CDC)
Oberste, Mark (CDC)
Therapeutic Areas
Infectious Disease
Development Status
  • Early-stage
  • In vitro data available
Lead IC
The CDC developed a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) Taqman assay and an RT-semi nested PCR (RT-snPCR) assay for the detection of parechoviruses. Similar to enteroviruses, parechoviruses are responsible for gastrointestinal, respiratory and central nervous system infections. All tests target conserved regions in the 5'-nontranslated region (5-'NTR) of the parechovirus genome and share forward and reverse primers. The Taqman probe and RTsnPCR nested primer target the same conserved site but vary in length. Both assays detect all known human parechoviruses (PPeV) and Ljungan viruses (LV), unlike other published parechovirus 5'-NTR assays, which only detect a limited number of PPeV types. Both assays are more sensitive than current methods (culture and multiple, single-serotype nucleic acid amplification assays) and may be used to test isolates or original clinical specimens.
Commercial Applications
  • Diagnostic detection of all known species of Parechovirus from clinical samples, including Human parechovirus and Ljungan virus
  • Discrimination of specific species and serotypes
  • Public health surveillance programs
  • Research tool for all lab strains and clinical isolates of parechovirus
Competitive Advantages
  • Detects all Parechovirus genus members with a single assay
  • Rapid, accurate, sensitive and specific
  • Cost-effective in terms or resource-input, labor and turnaround time
  • Does not require culturing
  • Easily adaptable to kit form
Licensing Contact:
Motley, Jonathan