Technology ID

Methanocarba Derivatives of Pesudoribose That Inhibit Adenosine Kinase for the Prevention and Treatment of Epilepsy

Lead Inventor
Jacobson, Kenneth (NIDDK)
Boison, Detlev (Robert S Dow Neurobiology Laboratories)
Toti, Kiran (NIDDK)
Osborne, Danielle (NIDDK)
Therapeutic Areas
Lead IC
This technology includes a novel family of adenosine kinase (AdK) inhibitors, including pharmaceutical compositions containing the adenosine kinase inhibitors, and their use for preventing epilepsy and its progression in patients. Endogenous adenosine (i.e., naturally occurring adenosine) acts on G protein-coupled receptors (adenosine receptors, ARs) in the central nervous system to suppress seizures and pain, and to blunt the effects of ischemia (a restriction in blood supply to tissues). In addition, adenosine has AR-independent epigenetic effects based on interactions with the transmethylation pathway. There is a dynamic equilibrium between extracellular adenosine levels and its intracellular content that is mediated by either equilibrative (ENTs) or concentrative (CNTs) transporters of nucleosides. Within the brain the concentration of adenosine is largely under the control of metabolic clearance through astrocytic AdK, which converts adenosine to 5'-AMP. By inhibiting AdK, the adenosine concentration can be exogenously raised. It may therefore be possible to target the AR-independent effects of adenosine while avoiding excessive AR activation, by administering brain-penetrant human (h) AdK inhibitors.
Commercial Applications
Preventing epilepsy and its progression.

Competitive Advantages
Potential that the novel non-ribose ring system will provide a cleaner pharmacological profile.
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