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Inquiries regarding CRADA proposals and scientific matters may be forwrded at any time. Confidential CRADA proposals, preferably two pages or less, must be submitted to the NCI within 30 days from date of this publication. Guidelines for preparing a full CRADA proposal will be communicated shortly thereafter to the respondent who has been selected.
Interested parties should notify this office in writing of their interest in filing a formal proposal no later than July 9, 1999. Potential CRADA Collaborators will then have an additional thirty (30) days to submit a formal proposal.
Interested parties should notify this office in writing of their interest in filing a formal proposal no later than June 18, 1999. They will then have an additional thirty (30) days to submit a formal proposal.
Interested parties should notify the National Cancer Institute's Technology Development & Commercialization Branch, in writing, of their intent to file a formal proposal no later than May 24, 1999. Formal proposals must be submitted to this office no later than June 7, 1999.
Only written comments and/or application for a license which are received by the NIH Office of Technology Transfer on or before July 7, 1999 will be considered.
Inquiries regarding CRADA proposals and scientific matters may be forwarded at any time. Confidential CRADA proposals, preferably two pages or less, must be submitted to the NCI on or before May 3, 1999. Guidelines for preparing full CRADA proposals will be communicated shortly thereafter to all respondents who have been selected.
Only written comments and/or application for a license which are received by the NIH Office of Technology Transfer on or before May 24, 1999 will be considered.
Only written comments and/or application for a license which are received by the NIH Office of Technology Transfer on or before March 29, 1999 will be considered.
Only written comments and/or application for a license which are received by the NIH Office of Technology Transfer on or before March 23, 1999 will be considered.