The FLC National Meeting is Right Around the Corner

The FLC National Meeting will take place April 6-8th. Register to attend the largest federal technology transfer meeting of the year from the comfort of your home! This virtual event is free to all.
The first day will feature a full day of concurrent sessions that follow three different training tracks – T2 for Beginners, CRADA Workshop, and AUTM Marketing Strategies. The following two days will feature concurrent sessions that cover a variety of topics such as T2 and Non-Traditional Labs, Venture Funding in Early-Stage Technologies, and the Bayh-Dole Act.
On Thursday from 2:30-4pm, the 2021 FLC Awards will be given out. There were so many fascinating award winners this year – including six from the NIH and CDC! You can read about those winners in our recent news articles.
If you are interested in attending, you can register here.