Nominations are Open for the 2022 FLC National Awards
Have you ever wanted to get recognition for outstanding success in technology transfer? Perhaps you just want to share your innovative technology transfer approaches with the broader federal technology transfer community? Well, your timing is perfect!
The Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) will be asking for National Award nominations from August 2 – September 24. This year the FLC National Awards highlight the outstanding innovation that occurs across the 300+ federal labs. There are nine categories recognizing various aspects of technology transfer, plus the COVID-19 response distinction, so there is something for all NIH Institutes. The categories are as follows:
- Excellence in Technology Transfer
- Laboratory Directory of the Year *New this year*
- Large Laboratory
- Small Laboratory
- FLC Service
- Harold Metcalf
- Representative of the Year
- Outstanding Service
- Interagency Partnership
- Outstanding Technology Transfer Professional Award
- State and Local Economic Development Award
- Rookie of the Year
- Technology Transfer Innovation
- Impact
- COVID-19 Response Distinction
During the last five years, on average, the NIH submits four nominations and wins three of them. That’s a 75% win rate. Just imagine if every Institute were to submit a nomination, the results would be astonishing!
The submission process is easy with the online platform, but you must submit to garner these great benefits. Just log in or create an account and upload the required information directly into the platform. There are video guides and tutorials to help with the process.