These links provide access to the information that is commonly needed for companies or organizations interested in partnering with NIH. The information here covers the process from researching available technologies through fees associated.
The NIH cannot commercialize its discoveries even with its considerable size and resources — it relies instead upon partners. Typically, a royalty-bearing exclusive license agreement with the right to sublicense is given to a company from NIH to use patents, materials, or other assets to bring a therapeutic or vaccine product concept to market.
Information for inventors and licensees on the administration of royalties.
Each year, hundreds of new inventions are made at NIH and CDC laboratories. Nine NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) transfer NIH and CDC inventions through licenses to the private sector for further research and development and eventual commercialization.
These links provide access to reports tracking the success of NIH licensed products.
The NIH, CDC and FDA Intramural Research Programs are exceptionally innovative as exemplified by the many products currently on the market that benefit the public every day. Reports are generated from the commonly tracked metrics related to these products.
These links provide resources to those interested in the technology transfer activities at NIH.
Past videos, lectures, presentations, and articles related to technology transfer at NIH are kept and made available to the public. These topics range from general technology transfer information to processes specific to NIH.
These links provide access to the policies and regulations surrounding partnering or collaborating with NIH.
If a company would like to acquire rights to use or commercialize either an unpatented material, or a patented or patent-pending invention, a license is required. There are numerous policies and regulations surrounding the transfer or a technology from the NIH to a company or organization.
These links provide information about the Office of Technology Transfer.
The NIH Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) plays a strategic role by supporting the patenting and licensing efforts of our NIH ICs. OTT protects, monitors, markets and manages the wide range of NIH discoveries, inventions, and other intellectual property as mandated by the Federal Technology Transfer Act and related legislation.
The OTT is pleased to announce that the annual report for Fiscal Year 2013 is now available for downloading. Click the icon below to download and view the report.