LES Virtual Course: Navigating the Contractual Landscape of Industry, Universities and Government

LES Virtual Course: Navigating the Contractual Landscape of Industry, Universities and Government

Learn from NIH’s Steve Ferguson during the Licensing Executives Society (LES) Industry, Universities and Government virtual course. Ferguson is a Special Advisor at OTT and brings 30+ years of experience on how to set up successful partnerships with NIH and utilize a variety of available opportunities for your own company. This course will focus on how collaboration between industry, universities, and government is essential for turning research into commercial success. This course will provide information on how to navigate the contractual landscape, avoid common pitfalls, understand the legal and cultural constrains, and craft agreements that benefit all parties involved.

The course will be taught by Ferguson and Jennifer Gottwald on May 15, 2025 from 11am-2pm ET. Registration and further information can be found on the LES website.