2022 Technology Transfer University Free Courses Announced

TTU Course Offerings Announced

Don’t miss the 2022 NIH Technology Transfer University (TTU) free courses! This is always a great opportunity to learn more about tech transfer topics or dive into a new area that you are less familiar with. The schedule offers a variety of sessions, while it is preferred that staff sign up for the entire course, you may also sign up for individual sessions if necessary. Please check with your supervisor for permission before registering.

The courses are taught by NIH’s technology transfer experts and offer something for all staff. The TTU will be held virtually via zoom each Tuesday from April 12th to May 24th. See schedule below for topics and times. Unless otherwise indicated, AM classes will run 9AM-12PM and PM classes will run 1-4PM.

To register, please reach out to Nicole Guyton at darackn@mail.nih.gov with your name, email address, and which sessions you will attend by Wednesday, April 6th.


Course schedule:


Basic Principles of Intellectual Property Law – April 12th – Full Day Session


Technology Transfer Laws – April 19th – AM Session * Beginning at 10:30AM


Introduction to Technology Transfer Agreements – April 19th – PM Session


Introduction to CRADAs – April 26th – AM Session


Customer Service and Negotiation Techniques – April 26th – PM Session


Human Subject Use in Technology Transfer Agreements – May 3rd – Full Day Session


Patent Process Part 1 – May 10th – AM Session


Patent Process Part 2 – May 12th – AM Session *Please note this is a Thursday class


Licenses to Patentable Technology – May 17th – AM Session


Software, Contract and Grant Related Issues in Technology Transfer – May 17th – PM Session


Marketing in Technology Transfer – May 24th – PM Session