NIH OTT Seeks Patent-Legal Services Request for Proposals
Proposal(s) are sought in response to RFP # NIH-OD-OLAO-OA-(PLS)-2019 for Patent-Legal Services. This solicitation is full and open to ALL capable business concerns in the U.S. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 541110 - Office of Lawyers.
In response to this solicitation, the Government intends to award four (4) master ID/IQ contracts for patent level services; one (1) for Biotechnology; one (1) for Chemistry; one (1) for Mechanical Engineering, and; one (1) for Software. Capable law firms (contractors) selected to provide patent-legal services under any of the four technology categories and via this solicitation, will compete for task order awards under the designated category or categories. The Government intends to select approximately nine (9) capable law firms in the area of Biotechnology; approximately seven (7) capable law firms in the area of Chemistry; approximately four (4) capable law firms in the area of Mechanical Engineering, and; approximately two (2) capable law firms in the area of Software to compete for task order awards within the designated technology category.
The NIH Patent Legal Services contracts are awarded to a Contractor, not to a specific partner or other individual. Contracts, and therefore the NIH as a client, are NOT portable business and cannot be assigned or transferred to a new Contractor due to decisions of personnel to leave an existing Contractor.
Questions and comments regarding this solicitation shall be sent via email to no later than 1:00 P.M., EST. ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2019.
Letters of Intent shall be submitted via email to no later than 4:00 P.M., EST. ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2019.
Proposals shall be submitted electronically via the Electronic Proposal Submission (eCPS) website at no later than 4:00 P.M., EST. ON FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2019.
Please visit the General Services Administration Website here.