BioTech Showcase Going Virtual
The 2020 Technology Showcase will be held virtually on September 9, 2020. The Showcase started four years ago as a way to highlight technologies developed at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) to encourage the translation of NCI discoveries into solutions to benefit patients.
At this free, half-day event there will be NCI and FNLCR inventors speaking about technologies ready for commercialization and/or collaboration. It is a great time for companies of all sizes to hear from the inventors of technology that they might be interested in licensing. At this event there will be panel sessions that focus on technology commercialization. Also, the NCI Technology Transfer Ambassadors Program will be presenting a virtual poster session highlighting NCI technologies available for collaboration or licensing.
To view the agenda or find registration information, please visit the 2020 Technology Showcase webpage on