Technology ID

Device for Simulating Explosive Blast and Imaging Biological Specimens

Lead Inventor
Ravin, Rea (NICHD)
Blank, Paul (NICHD)
Steinkamp, Alex (NICHD)
Zimmerberg, Joshua (NICHD)
Bezrukov, Sergey (NICHD)
Mcafee, Kim Lee (NICHD)
Non-Medical Devices
Medical Devices
Therapeutic Areas
Development Stages
Lead IC

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major health problem.  Between 3.2 and 5.3 million people live with long-term disabilities resulting from TBI, and thus, contribute to the need to develop therapies that treat TBI-induced cellular damage. Researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) have developed a device that simulates the pressure waves resulting from explosions. This invention can be used to study the in vitro effects of shock waves on cells in culture and could be used to determine the effects of potential treatments for TBI in an in vitro cellular model. The device consists of a source of compressed gas connected to a chamber containing cells. Cells can be derived from central nervous system (CNS) tissue, muscle, etc. The effects of the release of the compressed gas (blast) on the cells can be monitored in real time in a microscope or other imaging device. 

Competitive Advantages:

  • Allows for the real-time study of a blast effect on in vitro cellular models
  • Allows for testing of potential therapies of traumatic brain injury in an in vitro model. 

Commercial Applications:

  • Investigate the cellular effects of pressure waves in an in vitro model
  • Use to screen for potential agents to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Licensing Contact:
Girards, Richard