Technology ID

Sensor and Device for Real-Time Discovery of Metabolites in Blood for Disease Detection, Monitoring and Control

Lead Inventor
Ayyub, Omar (University of Maryland, College Park)
Marugan, Juan (NCATS)
Simeonov, Anton (NCATS)
Kofinas, Peter (University of Maryland, College Park)
Summar, Marshell (Children's National Medical Center)
Behrens, Adam (University of Maryland, College Park)
Cabrera-Luque, Juan (University of Maryland, College Park)
Cunningham, Gary (Children's National Medical Center)
Research Materials
Occupational Safety and Health
Non-Medical Devices
Medical Devices
Consumer Products
Lead IC
This technology includes device and sensor selection for the detection of blood metabolites which can be used to diagnose and monitor diseases in real-time. Currently the monitoring of metabolite levels is performed with specialized mass spectrometry instrumentation, therefore patient quality-of-life and financial advantages exist to develop devices capable of detecting metabolites in real-time. Our invention deals with the reduction to practice of this concept, showing how to select the metabolite and immobilized enzymes, how to do the immobilization, how to attach the components to the electrode, how to make the measurement and develop a prototype. Further, our invention deals with selection of light source and light detection to quantitate the blue color produced, as well as specific design features of the portable meter to enable direct loading of small volume of whole blood, transport of the sample through the fluidic channels and chambers, and mixing of the reagents.
Commercial Applications
This method and device will allow the real-time evaluation of the levels of a specific metabolite in blood, and it can be used as diagnostic tool, or for facilitating the management, treatment, and follow up of metabolic disorders.

Competitive Advantages
Currently there are no sensors able to measure the proposed metabolites in real-time.
Licensing Contact:
Vepa, Suryanarayana