Hear from NIH Technology Transfer at BIO 2024

NIH Tech Transfer Experts Speaking at BIO 2024

Three NIH Technology Transfer experts will be speaking at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization 2024 International Convention taking place in San Diego June 3-6, 2024 .

Tara Kirby, Director of the NIH Office of Technology Transfer will be participating in the In and Out of This World: Partnering with Federal Labs panel. This panel, with federal laboratory representatives from DoD, NASA, and HHS, showcases the versatility of federal research and benefits of partnering with Federal labs. Companies joining this session will learn how to tap into the extensive expertise and unique capabilities within Federal labs and access advanced technologies, innovative solutions, and specialized knowledge to foster accelerated development of their products, processes, and services.

The panel will take place on June 4, 2024, at 11am. More information on the panel can be found on BIO’s website


Michael Salgaller, Unit Supervisor of the Technology Analysis and Marketing Unit of the National Cancer Institute’s Technology Transfer Center will be moderating a panel that will leverage the learnings and outcomes of the NIH Public Health and Economic Impact Study to discuss how partners are Achieving Commercial Success Through the National Institutes of Health’s Intramural Research Program. Since the 1970s, the Intramural Research Program (IRP) has served as the in-house research and clinical arm of the NIH. Despite our success, many potential industry collaborators and licensees still see NIH solely as a basic research center funding academic research and publishing academic papers. This session will provide case studies of what kinds of support — including indirect funding, core facilities, manufacturing, and regulatory assistance — helps companies cross the valley of death and build shareholder value. Company representatives will provide best practices and personal stories of how they worked with the NIH to improve the quantity and quality of life. 

This panel will take place on June 5, 2024, at 11am. More information on the panel can be found on BIO’s website


Steven Ferguson, Special Advisor at the NIH Office of Technology Transfer will again be part of the faculty for the BIO Professional Development Course - Become a Biotech or MedTech Entrepreneur that will also be given at the BIO 2024 Conference.  The course, formerly known as the Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp, is for those who are interested in becoming a biotech or MedTech entrepreneur and covers everything from starting a company to specific market tactics – including  Bio Start-Ups: “Doing Business” With the NIH.

This course will take place from June 1-2, 2024. More information on the course can be found on BIO’s website.