LES Webinar: Beyond the Contracts - Measuring the Actual Impact of a Patent Licensing Program

LES Webinar Featuring Steve Ferguson

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) engaged RTI International, a nonprofit research institute, to develop new methods for characterizing and measuring the impact of technologies developed by NIH’s Intramural Research Program. The RTI team created models to illustrate how technologies licensed from NIH to firms contribute to the stimulation of the U.S. biomedical innovation system, economic activity, and national and global public health. This presentation will discuss the results of the project and show the true value of a patent & licensing program and its full range of impacts over the course of more than 30 years of technology transfer activity.

To read the full report and associated materials, please visit the Public Health and Economic Impact Study webpage.

The Licensing Executives Society (LES) is hosting a webinar, Beyond the Contracts – Measuring the Actual Impact of a Patent Licensing Program, on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 1pm EST. Join this webinar to hear from Steven Ferguson, Special Advisor at the NIH Office of Technology Transfer discuss NIH’s program and RTI’s findings. Information on the webinar can be found on the LES website.